Certification of Achievement, V-Art Union, Belgium

Certificate of Achievement for participating in the group exhibition „International Art and Design Exhibition “ April 22-29, 2024

Certificate of Participation, Sfumato Art Gallery

Galerie Biesenbach “Honourable Mention”, ART MATTERS 10 Online Group Exhibition”

Winning Artists For the International Virtual Group Exhibition ‘Blended Visions 2024’, Make Art Gallery

Certificafe of Acceptance, Plogix Gallery

Certificate of Participation, Cista Arts

Jose Art Gallery, „Best Painting of the Week“ 07 October – 13 October, 2024

Certificate of Achievement for participating in the group exhibition “9th International Art and Design Exhibition at V-Art Union

Certificate of Participation in the art exhibition „Reflections of Past, Visions of Tomorrow“ presented by Cista Arts